
Increase your Salary without much effort

If you are working in a company having EMPLOYEE REFERRAL program, then We invite you to Join our EMPLOYEE REFERRAL NETWORK as Referral Associate. Interested Job Seekers will be joining your Company under your REFERRAL and you will earn Huge Referral Bonus from your company.

How does it work?

Step 1: A job seeker request Employee Referral on SahiJobHai.
Step 2: We share this request to Referral Associate (YOU)
Step 3: You will share Job Seeker’s profile/resume to your company
Step 4: Job Seeker interview complete successfully and join organization
Step 5: You get rewarded by your organization for referral

Why you should become a Referral Associate

Simple Eligibility to join Employee Referral Network


If you are working in a company having EMPLOYEE REFERRAL program, then We invite you to Join our EMPLOYEE REFERRAL NETWORK as Referral Associate. Interested Job Seekers will be joining your Company under your REFERRAL and you will earn Huge Referral Bonus from your company. To understand Employee Referral in simple terms, We will just conclude it following terms: You will get rewarded by your company if you help your company to hire someone. You can refer your friend, colleague, relatives or anyone to your company and if that person gets hired then company pays you reward for that.

*Important: Please check Terms & Condition related with Employee Referral Network here.