
7 best tips to stay fit While Working from Home [Expert Advice]

Health is most important for everyone. Staying fit while working from home is one of the most overlooked factors by most people working from home.

At least, You and I are not among those who do not think about Health while working from home. 

I have discussed the financial gain of working from home. But working from home comes with a risk of weight gain.

The best part?

You can stay fit while working from home if you manage it properly. 

Now just cut the crab and follow below 7 tips to stay fit while working from home.

  1. Prepare a separate office space
  2. Grab a good chair
  3. Plan a workout schedule
  4. Eat healthy snacks and meals
  5. Grab an exercise stability ball
  6. Dress properly
  7. Fix login & logout time for work-life balance

Let’s discuss them in more detail now!

1. Prepare a separate office space.

You may be sitting on your couch or relaxing on the bed while reading this blog. That’s perfectly fine. You are not working at this moment. 

While working as a professional, you should not sit on the couch or the bed. You need to have a separate office space. 

You need to have a space where you can sit tight with all your stuff related to your work only.

You can create a small office space at your home with the help of these home office accessories.

2. Grab a Good Chair.

Your chair must be good. A good chair will not hit your back. 

You must be aware of the benefits of good posture. A good chair will maintain your posture for a long time.

You can try these office chairs for home.

A quick note: You can even give up your chair if you use a standing desk to work.  

3. Plan a workout schedule.

Working from home gives you flexibility. It saves time for commuting. 

Of course, you are saving fuel too.

The bottom line is?

You can use this time to workout. I will recommend you to plan your workout schedule. 

You can refer to Neelam Gautam’s YouTube Channel for home workout. She is a professional Yoga trainer.

4. Eat healthy snacks and meals.

While working from home, you must have a healthy food chart.


Because you won’t be able to maintain your calorie intake without that. You burn less calory while working from home. 

That’s why you need to consume fewer calories while working from home.

Junk foods are really bad for you at this time. They have very high calory in it. Just stay away from it.

You can easily maintain your health by consuming fresh vegetables and fruits in place of junk foods.

You can also keep these items handy with you as healthy snacks & meals.

5. Grab an exercise stability ball.

You will hit two birds with one stone. 


You can sit on the exercise stability ball while working on your laptop. You will be working as well as correcting your posture at the same time.

You may want to know the benefits of an Exercise Stability ball. 

  1. It burns your extra calories.
  2. It relieves your back pain.
  3. It tones your core muscles.
  4. It improves your lung function and better your breath.

One ball, many benefits. Right?

Honestly, I don’t know why offices do not provide exercise balls to their employees.

6. Dress properly.

Now let’s talk about the dress you choose while working from home. Of course, one of the best perks while working from home is no dress code.

Night pajamas are not an ideal dress while working from home. I will advise you to bear real office clothes. 

Two reasons to back my advise:

  1. Your real cloths will keep you aware of weight gain. 
  2. You will feel extra motivated while working.

You can skip your shoes if you like.

7. Fix login & logout time for work-life balance.

I am a big fan of the Work-Life balance concept. 

We all earn money to improve our lifestyle and support our family. Working from home will not make any sense if you do not pay attention to your Work-Life balance.

Your company will always ask more from you. 

Your client will always be in a hurry. 

Your colleagues will always be in a race against you.


It’s you who has to decide a time limit for your work. Just make sure to log in and logout at a fixed time.

It will help you allocate your time for yourself and your family. You will get proper Work-Life balance.

A better Work-Life balance is a key to happiness. You can learn more about Work-Life balance from this book :

Life’s Amazing Secrets


Working from home comes with a lot of perks. You can maximize its benefits by actively following the above tips. 

You can suggest more tips for us in the comment. We will be happy to hear that.

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